The Dynex decentralized network is constructed on a distinctive, adaptable blockchain system that harnesses the parallel processing power of multiple GPUs. This makes Dynex the world's only accessible neuromorphic quantum computing cloud capable of solving real-world problems at scale.

N.Quantum Computing

The Blockchain Empowering

As Seen On

Dynex technology offers versatile applications across a wide range of industries, enhancing capabilities in sectors such as Artificial Intelligence, Pharmaceuticals, Automotive & Aerospace, Financial Services, Telecommunications, and Research.

Whether it's speeding up drug discovery, improving vehicle and aircraft design, managing financial risks, enhancing network efficiency, or advancing scientific research, Dynex provides powerful tools that can drive innovation and solve industry-specific challenges effectively.

A Fair Start

No Premine

Truly fair launch in September 2022 with no ICO, no pre-mining and pre-allocation of coins to the team or investors.

No Premine

Truly fair launch in September 2022 with no ICO, no pre-mining and pre-allocation of coins to the team or investors.

No Premine

Truly fair launch in September 2022 with no ICO, no pre-mining and pre-allocation of coins to the team or investors.

Finite Supply

A maximum of 110.000.000 DNX utility coins with a deflationary emission schedule.

Finite Supply

A maximum of 110.000.000 DNX utility coins with a deflationary emission schedule.

Finite Supply

A maximum of 110.000.000 DNX utility coins with a deflationary emission schedule.


With Dynex, mining is channelled through solving real-world problems, with real, proven results.


With Dynex, mining is channelled through solving real-world problems, with real, proven results.


With Dynex, mining is channelled through solving real-world problems, with real, proven results.


Dynex On


Dynex On

Dynex On


Copyright © 2024 Dynex. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2024 Dynex. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2024 Dynex. All rights reserved.