DNX is currently traded on the following exchanges:
Gate.io (#8 CMC)
MEXC (#11 CMC)
Biconomy (#27 CMC)
XT.com (#24 CMC)
Bitmart (#16 CMC)
CoinW (#33 CMC)
BingX (#15 CMC)
LBank (#19 CMC)
Full list of all available trading pairs, volumes and exchanges on CoinMarketCap.

Wrapped Dynex Token 0xDNX
A wrapped Dynex token is also available on Ethereum:
Ticker: 0xDNX
Contract Address : https://etherscan.io/token/0x9928a8600D14ac22c0be1E8D58909834d7ceAf13
You can buy 0xDNX via Uniswap : https://app.uniswap.org/swap?inputCurrency=ETH&outputCurrency=0x9928a8600D14ac22c0be1E8D58909834d7ceAf13&chain=mainnet
Swap DNX<->0xDNX : https://bridge.dynexcoin.org
Please be aware of fake 0xDNX/Dynex tickers. Always verify that the contract address is correct before you buy. The bridge and contract have been audited by Halborn | Y3TI Audits